Your Investing Rights Will be Compromised!

We want to thank everyone who has already participated in our email/letter campaign against the CSA/OSC proposals for investor limits. 

Over 500 letters have already been submitted, but we can do better!

This proposed change would be detrimental to the integrity of Exempt Market, and limit investor choice and freedoms.

If you have not yet had the opportunity to do so please review the details below and utilize the templates provided to have your opinion heard TODAY!



Your Investing Rights Will be Compromised!

Please be advised that a proposal has been made by the Securities Commission to limit the annual allowable investment amount into Exempt Market Products.

Specifically the legislation would CAP the annual investment amount made by investors, whom are Not Accredited, to $30,000 per year in the Private Equity Space.

Combined with a requirement to diversify, this means that realistically you CANNOT invest more than $10,000 per year into firms such as Prestigious Properties or any other of the fine investment products that are available.

To view the regulatory report and full details on this proposal please click here.

In our opinion this is an Assault on Investors Rights and may also be Unconstitutional!

It is akin to the government telling you…

Not to get that new kitchen for $50,000 as surely one for $25,000 is good enough…
Or that a BMW for $40,000 is not required as a Honda for $25,000 drives almost as well…
No Such Restrictions Exist for:
Mutual Funds   –  Seg funds  –  Stocks  –  Bond Investment – Gold – Not even for Penny Stocks or Gambling!

If you are as outraged as we are, we encourage you to email or write to the Securities Commission with your concerns.

Please share a short story of your personal experience investing in this market space and together we can all make an impact and demonstrate how important our right to invest in the private market is.


For the letter template Click Here and get your voice heard TODAY!

Please mail or email your letter to the following recipients;
Denise Weeres and Manager, Legal, Corporate Finance
Alberta Securities Commission
250 – 5th Street SW Calgary, Alberta T2P 0R4
Ontario Securities Commission: The Secretary
20 Queen Street West Toronto, Ontario M5H 3S8
Directrice du sécretariat Autorité des marchés financiers: Me Anne-Marie Beaudoin
800, square Victoria, 22e étage C.P. 246
tour de la Bourse Montréal, Québec H4Z 1G3


We truly appreciate you taking the time and appropriate action in writing, perhaps ‘bcc’ us in your email if you feel like it.

Please feel free to contact us directly with any questions, comments or concerns you may have.


Sincerely + Successful Investing,

Thomas Beyer, President
Prestigious Properties Group
T: 403-678-3330


PS: Check out our latest investment news or Thomas’ market commentaries on our blog or at or

Please address your letters to ALL of the following offices;
Denise Weeres and Manager, Legal, Corporate Finance
Alberta Securities Commission
250 – 5th Street SW Calgary, Alberta T2P 0R4
Ontario Securities Commission: The Secretary
20 Queen Street West Toronto, Ontario M5H 3S8
Directrice du sécretariat Autorité des marchés financiers: Me Anne-Marie Beaudoin
800, square Victoria, 22e étage C.P. 246
tour de la Bourse Montréal, Québec H4Z 1G3
Vice President, National Exempt Market Association: Cora Pettiness
Ontario Ministry of Finance: Hon. Charles Sousa
33 King Street West Oshawa, ON L1H 8H5 
Ministry of Finance: Hon. Jim Oliver
Parliament Ottawa ON K1A 0A6
Alberta Treasury Board and Finance: Hon. Doug Horner
10800 – 97 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5K 2B6
Quebec Ministry of Finance: Hon. Nicolas Marceau
12, rue Saint-Louis Québec City QC G1R 5L3