Exciting New Investment
with a 50%+ yield target
in Memphis, TS
Through wise investing and prudent fiscal management, a very realistic over 50% ROI due to value upside from active repositioning is still achievable even in today’s real estate market and economic climate with elevated interest rates.
We offer an investment formula with a proven track record, and a management team with the right mix of experience and innovative thinking.
Why Memphis ?
Note: the upcoming Memphis Apartment Fund is NOT a guaranteed investment. (Draft – coming soon)
Learn more about this upcoming NEW INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY
Please read subscription documents and risk acknowledgement forms carefully.
Not RRSP, RESP nor TFSA eligible.
Not a guaranteed investment.
Learn more about this upcoming NEW INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY
Prestigious Properties, chaired by Thomas Beyer, is usually an Exempt Market Product Issuer, sometimes also referred to as a real estate syndicator or a private equity issuer. We provide investments based on income producing real estate, typically apartment buildings or mobile home parks with city water in growth markets, or on occasion lucrative (but more risky) land development projects.
These investments were historically distributed as Exempt Market Securities, also referred to as Private Equity or Alternative Investments, usually through approved Exempt Market Dealers (EMDs) in Canada.
Prestigious Properties does not provide financial or suitability advice.
Please feel free to peruse our website, then please contact us or an EMD with any questions; or to learn more about what an EMD is please Click Here. Four EMDs used to distribute our Kings Castle investment offering: Triview Capital, Pangea, Ascendo and Royal Securities. This offering is distributed via Waverley Corporate Financials. We may use EMDs, new online EMDs such as addyinvest.ca or accredited investors-only for potential future offerings.
Need more Details ?
Learn about our upcoming opportunity in Memphis, TS here Memphis Apartment Fund INVESTOR PRESENTATION NEW (draft, coming soon)
Get more info now
Impressive Results
Prestigious Properties has proven time and again that intensive research and property management expertise really does pay off.
We pride ourselves on our ability to take under performing rental properties to new heights, providing investors with cashflow, tax-free equity growth and professional management. So how have we performed? See for yourself. Download our 2100+ unit track record, over 25+ years, below
Prestprop Track Record – 1Q 2024
Learn more about our track record here